Paragon: 8368 2756 | Raffles Place: 9233 3994

Baby Hydrotherapy (Baby Spa)


Many studies have shown that hydrotherapy is extremely beneficial for a baby’s development. Each session strengthens your baby’s heart and lungs, in turn supporting healthy brain and organ development.

The floating sensation is especially therapeutic for newborns, as the environment mimics floating in the womb. As infants have very limited mobility, the floating sensation is particularly freeing and enjoyable for them.

*Minimum spend of $500 required to be eligible for Pace instalment.

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Some of the physical benefits include:

  • Support brain and physical development
  • Increase lung capacity
  • Strengthen cardiovascular system
  • Stimulate innate swimming reflexes and co-ordination

Beauty Mums & Babies (BMB) Baby Hydrotherapy is the first in Singapore to use pure filtered water, which provides additional benefits for your baby, such as:

  • Soothes eczema, rashes and skin inflammation
  • Suitable for babies’ delicate skin
  • Free of harsh chemicals such as chlorine

Rest assured, mummies!

We guarantee cleanliness and sanitation. The BBSpa pool is cleaned after every session, and a fresh batch of water is prepared for your little one.

Baby hydrotherapy is suitable for infants from 1 to 12 months old.