Signature Post natal Massage (TCM + Javanese)


Why is post-natal massage important?

  • Shrink your womb and promote lochia discharge
  • Dispel wind and dampness
  • Improve milk production
  • Hormonal regulation
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
Whether you have gone through natural or cesarean delivery, the body will need help in womb recovery. Choose from 7, 10, 15 or 20-day home recovery packages. Our team of certified professionals are specialised in both Traditional Chinese Massage (TCM) and Javanese methods. Our proprietary massages strokes combining Javanese and Meridian points effectively decreases swelling, relieves pain and regulates hormones. We use Jamu paste of pure quality & contain a higher concentration than creams, to help prevent sensitivity & effectively shrink the uterus. Our oils contain Lemongrass & Ginger Essential Oils, making them effective in reducing water retention & bloating.
Our bengkung wrap (binder) is made of cotton material, are breathable and washable, & have helped mums contour their bodies back to shape quickly.
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  • Relieve neck and shoulder pain from carrying and breastfeeding baby
  • Help to restore the uterus to its original state
  • Help to eliminate excess body fluids and reduces fluid retention
  • Help in weight loss
  • Increase blood circulation

While most attention to pregnancy care focuses on the nine months of pregnancy, postpartum care is important too. The postpartum period begins right after the baby is born. During this period, the mother goes through many physical and emotional changes.

With BMB, getting a post natal massage Singapore is simple. Our services help to speed recovery and give new moms a confidence boost to make it through the long hours. You can have massage sessions done in the comfort and privacy of your own home – especially during your confinement period!

Post-natal massages can commence anytime between the 5th day to under-3 months after normal delivery.

*In the event of a caesarean section, post-natal massage can only be performed after the incision has closed properly. usually about 2-4 weeks after delivery. Before then, mummies can still be massaged on other parts of their body to soothe body aches. Also relieve water retention, without disturbing the fresh wound on the tummy.

Transport fee is included in all our post-natal massage packages, regardless of where you live!**

  • Customers may opt for home-service for single sessions or first-trial sessions with a top-up of $50 for the transportation fee.
  • **With the exception of Sentosa.

Additional information

Package Options

1 session (w/o home service), 1 session, 7 sessions, 10 sessions, 15 sessions